
Les fausses bonnes idées écologiques telles que ce format de fichier sont tout simplement une forme d’extrémisme.Je range ce format dans la même poubelle que le FN, le communisme, la LCR et les chiennes de garde.

This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any articles on rehab?

I too have very much enjoyed your reading of the Invisible Man. I particularly liked the Mariner and his discussion with Mr Marvel in chapter 13! “There are some EXTRAORDINARY things in books …. and out of them…”

Your thinking matches mine - great minds think alike!

Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I appreciate it.

That's the best answer by far! Thanks for contributing.

These young fellas possibly have a career in film making ahead. I think one of them is studying editing techniques at the moment, especially the “fast cut-a-way”. Very decent eyebrow pimple the popee has there, probably born of a piercing hole. I did enjoy the threepeat of flying pus.Well-loved.

I don't know who you wrote this for but you helped a brother out.

You have the monopoly on useful information-aren't monopolies illegal? ;)

That's a smart answer to a difficult question.