
I love it! What more is there to say. You take photos to enjoy, not to hide them away somewhere. Even if you are the only one that looks at them, someone has to admire them. Plus, all the kids artwork having somewhere to hang, to be proud of, thats wonderful.

un'altra cosa che magari ti interessa:)….l'anno scorso ho recuperato da mia nonna alcuni colli di camicie(ho la fortuna che nessuno, in casa mia, ha buttato i vestiti o accessori), che aveva scucito anni e anni fa dalle sue. li ho riapplicati(fatti riapplicare, avrei distrutto tutto ;D)su alcune canottine semplici, sono venute molto carine, anche in merceria hanno i nastri di pizzo o in raso(ho applicato alcuni fiocchi alla base del colletto per esempio), è simpatico, basta trovare una sarta disponibile o nonna o esserne capaci e il gioco è fatto!

he'd file a tax return if Obama would produce proof he was born. Assuming that tax return wasn't bogus, there may be a signifant portion of the deficit cleaned up right there;)tweaker

Paulatäti:Eipä kestä!Onko jossain luomuluumutäytettä valmiina vai onko se tehtävä itse, tiedätkö?Vinga:Kiitos, ihan superia käyttäjäkokemusinfoa!Helmi:Kuulostaa namilta!Ja lisäyksesi sokerimääristä on niin totta. Usein ihmiset luulee, että kuivatut hedelmät on terveellistä nannaa, vaikka just sokerimäärä voi olla ihan huima. Mutta anonyymin tapaan:missä olet törmännyt sokeroituihin aprikooseihin?An:Hyvä dyykkaussaalis! Ja kiitos linkistä ja vinkistä Ritulle! Suosin yleensä juoksevaa luomuhunajaa, se sekoittuu helposti mihin vaan :)

Thank you, Cassie. Sometimes being ethical makes you the odd man out in business, but I don’t know how to be any other way—and I don’t want to learn! I don’t think you’re crazy, but I’d rather get a 5-star that was honest. Now it appears all positive reviews will be questioned, so I guess they’ll have to start something new.

Also if anyone has Xbox (Not sure if its the same for PS) ESPN has an app for ESPN3 that you can download and watch any sports they dont feel warrant ESPN or ESPN 2 coverage… which is mostly soccer

the only news i want to hear is that joe went to the local FBI office and made a formal complaint of fraud, and also if he speaks to the U S congressmen and senators and demands an investigation of the ss registration and fake bc

Socias:Esta calle, a mi gusto, es la mas hermosa de toda la cuidad. Nosotros vivimos al final. En esa parte ya no es tan hemosa. El dia que nos saquemos la loteria vamos a cambiarnos a una de esas casas de la foto.No creo que se pueda esconder la gente de si misma.

Siempre digo:una gran mente empresarial del Sr. Leon una gran vision,ya que las personas mayores despues que tienen sus retiros es como dar vuelta la hoja de un libro con mucho dinamismo y llegar al final sin interes, tenemos nuestros hijos nietos y bis-nietos que son nuestra alegria. Quiero agradecer a todas las personas que trabajan en Leon,en especial al primer Leon por su gran mente visionaria igual a su hijo. Gracias

Видимо власть боится…[]madonna4ka Reply:Январь 16th, 2011 at 12:23А то что это пятиклассник написал,неужели всё так плохо.[]