
"Ah, we see: Bush didn't exploit fear, oh no no, but Al Gore (EEK! AL GORE!!!) does."Correct, Head-full-O'-mush, Flatulant, Dunderhead. Islamic extremists & terrorism actually exist in what we call REALITY, as opposed to man-made global warming, which only exists in the rich, creamy, goodness of liberal wet dreams, aka fantasy-ville.

I'll try to put this to good use immediately.

RafaA los grandes solo les preocupa su futuro y cuando se ocupan de solucionar los problemas del mundo o de los desfavorescidos, lo hacen de manera que sus acuerdos contengan tantas subjetividades para que no les comprometan practicamamente a nada.Salud, República y Socialismo

In the complicated world we live in, it's good to find simple solutions.

disse:Olá!Já tinha ouvido falar no sistema, mas nunca me dei ao trabalho de pesquisar e saber mais, e devo dizer que gostei bastante da proposta em vários aspectos.Ótima postagem.Até and Bye….-= Tio Lipe “Cavaleiros”´s last blog .. =-.[]

they need to get their own healthcare if they want to stay.From what I can tell, most people I’ve come across think the “amnesty” word is getting overused and is not really a good description for the plan. It seems to me that the plan is more about stopping these people from freeloading while allowing them to continue helping businesses.

Ah yes, nicely put, everyone.

+1 Une telle fange, puiqu’ il est question de porcherie, me laisse sans voix. Sympa les ex copains du PS aux manettes , ils pourraient faire taire ces insanités, quant à cette pseudo écrivain, quelle délicatesse…sans oublier Laurent Joffrin, du Nouvel Obs, sans commentaires.

Finally! This is just what I was looking for.

Or fi fost putine boabele de caviar, dar nici ciorba nu era multa! Cred ca vreo 2-3 linguri, asa-i?Pretioase indrumarile tale, macar sa stim si noi, in caz ca ajungem pe-acolo!