
Question: did you get a sandbox on somme domain?That's true last summer I changed my html code and title: I get a sandbox and I am still in it!!!!!

Wait, I cannot fathom it being so straightforward.

People love to hate liberal celebrities who work for causes. Personally, I think people cannot stand the idea that someone is rich and good looking and decent and humane. They fabricate reasons to hate them out of jealousy.

This is just the perfect answer for all forum members

I put together an excel spreadsheet to do this and kept it on my stand when I only had an analog delay. If you have a smart phone and don’t mind scrolling you could just leave it on there and bring it up if you needed it. I thought about an iPhone app as well. I’m not sure I want to go through all the trouble though. If anyone is interested in the spreadsheet I can send it to them.

Superior thinking demonstrated above. Thanks!

Mai multa diplomatie domn’le David nu v-ar srica…incercati sa oferiti argumente intr-o mainera calma si de bun simt in locul uneia tipic romeasca de factura (as putea zice) cam agresiva.. Daca pretindeti ca aveti argumente sanatoase, oferitile asa cum am zs si mai sus, intr-o mainiera diplomata si de bun simt…Asta daca intr’adevar sustineti ca sunteti o persoana cu scaun la cap obisnuit cu lectura si studiul…In aceste conditii nu cred ca v-ar fi greu sa renuntati la abordarea/eprimarea cu tenta misogina..

I'd venture that this article has saved me more time than any other.

Yeah, that's the ticket, sir or ma'am

Oh yeah, it also doesn’t count lost income from the downpayment that cannot be invested elsewhere.I think this is just spin to encourage people to buy houses. – Rate this comment: 0  0