
La Libertà su la 7 è una libertà artificiale, costruita su misura per ferrara ed i suoi referenti di politica “da vasca di guano”.Luttazzi e Dingo…. vi adoro!La7… mi hai deluso.

So, become a part of the users of e-bikes, which themselves produce no emissions. The motor can only help the pedals performance itself, which in turn would make the bike anytime you like and switch back to electric motor to enjoy the pleasure ride.

What would we do without the awesome concepts you write about on this blog? Who else has the fortitude to deal with crucial topics just for common readers like me? My spouse and i and my buddies are very blessed to have your website among the ones we frequently visit. It is hoped you know how very much we enjoy your working hard! Best wishes from us all.

Hi Sweetie, your card is so beautiful, no one would ever have known about orangey accident :D it's perfection. Such a gorgeous Tilda and colouring and that paper is delish! Love your sketch, really great to work with, I'm just going to photo and upload my card now, I hated missing the last two weeks. Hope you're well and have a good weekend. hugs, Chris xx

This bavarian is a DREAM to me. Since i'm a child, my favorite desserts are made from lemon. In fact, when I was a kid, the only dessert I wanted to eat was lemon meringue pie... So for all my birthday partys until I was 12 or 13 the only dessert my mother bakes was that... And this cake looks lovely to me...

Tables like yours have an almost magical quality to them. You can feel the history while you rev up your creative energy. You have a lovely space to work.♥, Susan

conexaoparis disse:RenatoAs francesas usam o recurso da meia calça de lã + vestido quando o frio aperta. Bota + vestido é outra solução.Mas só ela, diante do espelho, poderá decidir.

i would still like to know who is favorite-ing my videos. it's kind of creepy that there's just one random person that keeps favoriting unimportant videos of mine, and i have no clue who it is...

I was drawn by the honesty of what you write

ZE disse:Luiz Eduardo disse:21 de maio de 2010 às 15:25Amigo Luiz Eduardo, essa resposta iria requerer um post ultra-super-mega longo.Fico lhe devendo essa.[ ]s