
Wow! Great to find a post knocking my socks off!

那句「Science is not a religion that worships Truth as its God - Science is a religion that worships Doubt.」真是超讚!我覺得台灣或亞洲的教育問題不是出在數理訓練,而是整個教育非常不注重邏輯思維的訓練,不管是理科教育也好,文科教育也好。台灣的數理教育訓練出很多解答出標準答案的學生,這群學生日後就算成了高官,遇到了沒有標準答案的情況,就亂了陣腳,甚至製訂出不合邏輯常理的政策。更甭提更不重視邏輯的文科。可是在歐美,不管是數理還是文科的教育,都非常注重邏輯的思辯。美國的學生,數理成績再比亞洲的爛,可是邏輯能力還是比較強的。這一點,在考美國研究所必需要的GRE就可見一般,GRE從前考的Verbal、Quantitative、Analytical writing三項,全都和邏輯有關。因為美國的高等教育是非常注重邏輯訓練的!他們相信,沒有足夠的邏輯能力,是無法順利進行任何研究的!連GRE Subject考的,也有一堆實驗推導,這在台灣高等教育裡,甭說大學部,連研究所都一整個忽略了!連高等教育研究所都忽略的東西,我們怎能要求社會大眾有能力明辨這其中的是非呢?所以這一切,也不是僅僅靠報導科學新知或科普報導就能解決的。周教授完全搞錯了真正的問題所在。

Energy Revolution? How about removing all people connected to oil out of office. Instead of spending Billions on a war, that was started based on lies, and spend billions on cleaner sources of energy.

Heidi - For being nearly 28 I have seen much more death than my heart can often bare…age and cancer, and “natural causes, and more cancer…and murder (7 of them to be exact). The only consolation I have is in Jesus…in His truth, in His hope, in His perfect, sustainable, fulfilling, faithful, insurmountable love. It’s the only way…It’s the ONLY way.

Molto belle, i disegni mi piacciono tantissimo, anche se io sono più da T nere, non so perchè, ma il bianco lo uso solo d'estate.Bellissime la composizioni delle immagini.Baci

Wow I must confess you make some very trenchant points.

The star paper is gorgeous. I love the buttons. The sentiment is lovely. I can't wait to see the whole set and maybe just one sneak peek? Please? Hugs Jeanette

Hi Margareth, oven temp is very important with macarons – I just made some today and the oven had been turned off when I had not realized, even though I turned it straight back on they turned out cracked and with no foot – so yes I think your oven temp is the issue. Try 160 and if that does not work try a friends oven. It seems unusual to me the the oven would not go lower – it is not in degrees F is it? I am guessing not as you still managed to bake them and at 160 F they would not bake.

Paolo, una piccola precisazione.Safari NON viene installato automaticamente da chi utilizza iTunes, ma viene PROPOSTO dal software di update della Apple.Sinceramente non capisco la poemica che si è fatta intorno a questa cosa.Mah.PS: buone feste fatte a tutti!

No problem. My English is not so great.I mean that:There is computer A with gitdocs on it. And there is computer B with gitdocs on it. I don’t understand how I can make sure, that all tracked files from A are automatically stored on B in the most up to date version.What do u mean with “connect to the share”? What is a share and how to connect to it?