
I so love the whole show especially when yamada, yuto and chinen sang Hey! Say! kinda nostalgic..But it still kinda break my heart when they don’t include shinchan on the medley part…oh well I’m just a mere fan from another part of the world. Seems like I really need to deal with this. :(

After having my Lexus GS 300 for 13 years my wife and I were considering a Toyota Prius V hybrid (we just have a little bundle of joy). But if this Toyota RAV 4 looks as good as it does excluding the interior, I will consider this vehicle only if you came in a hybrid and hopefully got over 40 miles per gallon.

I don’t blame you Jason. O2 has lost a lot of goodwill with iPhone customers over this. I was told the same by O2 store staff despite my protestations as a mobile phone blogger but they pushed really hard to get me onto a new phone and contract. Thankfully I resisted! There are strong rumours that the 3G iPhone will launch with Orange and Vodafone before Christmas. O2′s days are numbered.

- One problem: Nemesis escaped from the cabin before Ben killed Jacob. The "shadow of the statue" people (still not entirely satisfied on that one, by the way) went there first, but saw that the ash ring had been broken. I assume it was done unintentionally by Locke or Ben, but I'm not sure.

Geez, that's unbelievable. Kudos and such.

Cool! That's a clever way of looking at it!

This is the perfect post for me to find at this time

I agree, middle and high schoolers should definatley get a taste of this. I'm constantly reminding my teen daughter about the importance of live commnuication versus text, e-mail etc. In fact I think we should do an experiment, take all electronics away from the teens for 2 weeks, buy the old phones with snakey long cords and let them go at it. I can tell you they will go through withdrawls and will get cranky and emotional, like a drug addict almost.

The accident of finding this post has brightened my day

SilverRain – Thank you. This is the detailed directions I need right now. And you are right, I am looking for a stop-gap, take back my power, not embarrass myself and most importantly – not make things worse kind of advice.And I think your point about forgiveness is interesting and worth more thought. I like “forgiveness is not a behavior.” That feels right to me.