
I have 22 years old, married with a daughter of 18 months old. First, I would have gone crazy about this man, then he would have been reported and arrested. That was not harmless fun. There are age limits for such things for a reason. He did it for some sort of strange satisfaction of their own. Disgusting.

“There’s a reason that the GOP is desperate to avoid any mention of George Bush”Sadly it is not true. Repubiks establishment likes Jorge W Bush and loves the rest of that RINO family.Note how eager so called conservative media hangs to every word of RINO Jeb Bush who is just as fanatical Open Border advocate as was his dimmer brother.

LOL! This is just too fun, Mynnette! And I love all the time and attention you poured into every detail! Stunning! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at The Play Date Cafe!

... offshoring is a result of unpunished fraudThat is one of the most ridiculous comments yet made by the "crew" of Hydra, Larry G., Sethstorm, etc. etc.So every company that employees people outside of the US should be charged with fraud? More nonsense.

Saviez vous que le rôle de ces poils est pour mieux « diffuser », mon enfant ? Et que les axillaires et pubiens ensemble doivent son origine commun ( en réalité « perdurance » après perte des autres poils du primate) au même gêne spécifiquement humain ? Et d’ailleurs je fait l’hypothèse que ce gène est en partie responsable de l’humanisation d’une branche des primates connue sur le nom de « H. sapiens » ! Na!

Warum ich an dem Beitrag hängengeblieben bin, ist eigentlich nur ein Randthema des Beitrags: es ist tatsächlich so, das die Buchhandlungen die Deutungshoheit verloren haben. Erst war der Kunde nur auffallend besser informiert - dank Internet. Und dann wusste er auch deutlich genauer als früher, was er lesen will - insbesondere bei den Spezialthemen. Ab da wurden für uns Buchhändlerinnen die Blogs genauso wichtig wie die Verlagsvorschauen.

Oohh, thanks Elizabeth. This is good fun. I'm back from my mini-break so that's why I'm a bit slow on responding. I'll have a stab later answering your questions, for sure.

سلام تو رو خدا کمکم کنید وقتی لنچiw5 رو باز میکنم ابدیت میشه تمام که شد یوزر و پس هم میدم اما تا میخواد بره تو مینویسه Error during initialization:Steam must be running for initial authentication to succeed. Please start Steam and restart the game to continue.چکار کنم بگید لطفا

Well that explains where you went–I’ve been wondering! We were amongst your happy repeat customers, and I’m very sorry to see you go, but in my brief, delicious interactions with your food truck, it was anything but a failure. Thanks for giving it a go, and for the delicious food! Better to have eaten and lost than to have never eaten at all…

Joce, I’m really enjoying your blog. The pics and videos are clear and amazing.Enjoy your classes. Painting will be a nice relaxation.Love,Aunt Karen