
¿No puede ser que la foto pertenezca a la época en la que Pinochet era el Jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas del Presidente Allende?Bien por Chávez por convocar elecciones y ganarlas. No se puede decir lo mismo de Fidel. Por muy buenas relaciones que existan entre ambos, creo que hay un abismo de por medio.

Dunque, tu dici:1) La Libia ha bombardato Lampedusa perché Gheddafi voleva annettersi la Sicilia2) Io dico che Gheddafi ha bombardato Lampedusa in risposta a un attacco militare, e non c’è nulla che faccia pensare che lo abbia fatto perché voleva annettersi la Sicilia.Non si stava discutendo se avesse fatto bene o male, categorie abbastanza irrilevanti in casi di questo tipo.Quindi, torniamo al punto di partenza. Se hai le prove che Gheddafi ha bombardato Lampedusa perché voleva annettersi la Sicilia, e non per altri motivi, tirale fuori.

Sarah, Lillian has such a sweet and gentle soul. I can just tell by looking at your images. You are such a strong mother and I bet Lillian will follow in your free-spirited foot steps. Gorgeous images, as always!

these are some amazing pictures, jen..looks like you had a great time..but how can one not have great time in NYC?? thanks for sharing your experience here..have lovely visit my blog when you have a moment..xx meenal

ilove gehört ja bekanntlich auch jamba. ich habe vor 4 monaten wie beschrieben per mail und SMS gekündigt und jamba bucht bis heute noch von meiner handyrechnung die gebühren ab!

Oh, oh, ohhh! I looked at your purchases and got rather excited. Liberty heaven. I have an urge to roll around in them, but then I've been looking after small pebbles for 14 hours and feel slightly crazed. You've not only given me a special fabric moment but also a chuckle about your prescription specs - you must have looked like some kind of trench coat Liberty lurker - ssssh, you've not seen me.

By :RE: – I’ve responded to that multiple times too. You really do need to get your memory checked.what probably happened is you never answered the question satisfactorily and I just never wasted my time remembering why. – Rate this comment: 0  0

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what about the 6 million African slaves that were thrown to the sharks in the transatlantic slave trade. Or the hundreds of thousands of Africans who died working in horrid conditions in Southern African mines. Or the millions of Indians starved to death in British India. Why you never mention those capitalist atrocities?

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