
Captalism is not the greatest things since slice bread. Not necessarly the worst economic structure in world but because it was designed by man it has many inperfections so this notion that a captalistic society is better than any other economy is not being real. Every economic structure has its pos & neg. This is the problem white man has this superior, conquering attitude & they wonder why they are perceived n neg manner.

I've been looking for a post like this for an age

Mors,,Ja dom kommer med fina uttryck,,minns när Loke kom in efter att ha lekt ,en varm dag kom in och sa “Nu är jag svettig mellan kläderna”..SÃ¥ Alex “Flintskallig under hÃ¥ret” kan bli ett bevingat ord…Haé Kram.

Cheers pal. I do appreciate the writing.

Isn't it ironic? You see someone walking their sheep on a leash, right by the stands selling pit lamb… I bought some 30/2 tencel & fingering/sport weight yak/bamboo for another overshot project!

I'm really into it, thanks for this great stuff!

Finished watching the 1 hr 18 min Two Brothers (LDS) video posted by Elysian last night. Had me smiling, laughing, crying, scared, enlightened….what a moving story……felt like I was there in Chile.

If you're looking to buy these articles make it way easier.

I have been a smoker for 25 ages, and I by no means understood the disease experienced such a low five-year relative survival rate. I seriously should quit ASAP.

A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!