
People normally pay me for this and you are giving it away!

With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!

Taloyhtiön oma pieni luomupiiri tilaa viikottain Labbyn tilalta luomuna mm. vihannekset, hedelmät, kanamunat, jauhot ja kerran pari vuodessa lihat. Maidot ym. lähi k- ja s-marketeista. Ruohonjuuri ja Ekolo tuntuvat melko hinnakkailta paikoilta. Lidlin tuorepuristettu omenamehu on todella hyvää ja edullista (..ja kun ei se Valion vastaavakaan ole suomalaisista omenoista).

oh, sweet pinks and the key chanins arewonderful but that wedgewood (is it wedgewood?) at the top is *wow* love that!Happy Pink Weekend and many blessings. I pray that your decisions will be right for you and that you will feel peace.

Too many compliments too little space, thanks!

Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions...until now.

This shows real expertise. Thanks for the answer.

Everyone would benefit from reading this post

That hits the target perfectly. Thanks!

Your post has lifted the level of debate