
Good point. I hadn't thought about it quite that way. :)

An intelligent point of view, well expressed! Thanks!

Yes! Jesus Christ Superstar fans unite! My dad got me hooked on this, I was able to take him to Fresno, Ca, near where we live, and see both Anderson and Neeley for an anniversary performance. I’ve since seen the show twice. I try and not get caught up in the controversy. I just think it’s cool. I love Carl Anderson’s voice and performance.-Jimmy

I found just what I was needed, and it was entertaining!

Thanks for posting, it’s been ages since I’ve listened to any Dr. Know. Had the opportunity to see that band twice live (at a couple of the Crescent Ballroom extravaganza shows up in Tacoma, WA back in Sept. ’86 and the Spring of ’87) and they were an intregal part of my crossover from metal to hardcore along with Battalion of Saints, Beyond Possession, RKL, DRI, COC, etc.

I found just what I was needed, and it was entertaining!

This just isn’t the firstly your accounts I’ve find out, and you just never stop to impress myself. Thank you, and i also look ahead to studying inside future.

dua tahun yang lalu saya ga lapor Mas, tepatnya lupa.. tahun berikutnya pas lapor ga ditanyain tuh… tahun lalu pas lapor, saya cuma laporin surat potong pajak yang dari kantor doang. Yang dari penghasilan lain, yang saya males ngambil bukti potong pajaknya ga saya laporin.tahun ini saya lapor lagi, ya tetep ga ditanyaiin apa-apa sih…

Great stuff, you helped me out so much!

Hey everyone! Long time watcher, first time reply poster.I’m finishing Optometry school and I can tell you exactly what this is. This is a standard cataract extraction. The eye is dilated so the pupil is very large and they can access the cataract (which is a clouding of the anatomical lens of the eye).They first remove the front cover of the bag that holds the lens in place, then break the lens up with ultrasonic vibration, removing the pieces with suction.This is the most commonly performed surgery in the world. If you live long enough, you will get cataracts too!