
JonDavey, are you moving on to another aspect of life and away from creating these talkey blogs? This one was created on Oct.4, which is almost a week ago. You used to make a new talkey blog every day, almost. I am confused by what is happening on this blog site…the quality of the blogs has been decreasing quite a bit, and the frequency has been decreasing. I could understand if the frequency was decreasing in order to give you more time to create higher-quality blogs. But that’s not the case.I’m just really confused about the direction of this blog site.

Não vi o jogo fui ver um filme extraordinário com a minha mulher... as vantagens de ser invisível...Extraordinária a época que estamos a fazer...excelente gestão dos recursos... nota mais no geral... para JJ, Artur, Melgarejo, Garay, Enzo , MATIC, John, Lima, Cardozo, Rodrigo, Salvio... eh pá mas no fundo no fundo todos... estamos a ter uma época interessantíssima... relativamente ás assistências... bem é isto que está aos olhos de todos... existem prioridades... e eu sou ainda classe média (porque não tenho dividas)...Abraço a todos vocês do ontem...

The toxic mix of legality, morality and reputation I first heard the phrase “It may be legal but is it moral?”in relation to the kerfuffle that blew up in the summer regarding the tax minimization activities of celebrities. What was hap…

This is so, so, SO true.God is good all the time.And this part is great: “I do know that God’s delays do not equal God’s denials.”I once heard:“God only has 3 answers to your prayers:1. Yes2. Wait3. I have something better”And that seems about right to me With Love,CAleb

I’m so very sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to his wife, family and friends. You’ve written beautiful words, Jim, to help make sense of something that just doesn’t make sense….a permanent solution to a temporary problem never makes sense to those left behind. Sending much love to Lisa and you. xo

I couldn’t have really asked for a much better blog. You are always at hand to offer excellent tips, going directly to the point for simple understanding of your subscribers. You’re surely a terrific professional in this subject matter. Thanks for always being there human beings like me.

Ken, ik wou dat ik daar met jou in de regen gezeten had. ik heb daar jaren gewandeld en gefotografeerd, ook boven op de bergen gezeten. Toen kampeerden we in Gairloch op de camping. Je artikels zijn altijd mooi en interessant. Een kleine anecdode: Ik zat in de glf van Gairloch al uren met een Schot te vissen en plots zij die man tegen mij:Schotland is toch mooi in de regen, ik heb heel de wereld rondgezworven, maar uiteindelijk toch terug gekomen. Ik kon dat alleen maar beamen.mvgfrancois

Truth! It seems like every time my husband and I get to “that point” we hear the pitter patter of little feet heading towards our bedroom. Gives new meaning to “Come Quick!”…er…cum quick?So happy to see you at Bonbon Break!!

I just installed pro plus. Works very smooth on Galaxy S with froyo. For those who couldn’t find the unlock code, check your spam folder, I found mine there..Thanks for the good work!

ab"corretta and martin were great friends and allies to gays and warriors for the very same poor people hobama slays via global elitist wars!!!"Let's be real AB.I seriously doubt that MLK or Malcolm were very sympathetic to gays.Do you have any real evidence of their gay support or is this simply what you want to believe?I hear what Southern Baptists and The NOI say about gays today so what would make anyone think they were more enlightened 40 years ago?