
It looks to me that this website doesnt load up on a Motorola Droid. Are other folks having the exact same issue? I enjoy this blog and dont want to have to skip it any time Im away from my computer.

I have been hearing a blogger or two as of late commenting on Walking Dead. Can't see it hear in Honduras. Good luck with Weight Watchers. I am finally getting serious about exercise and diet too. 

Je rejoins l’avis de Permafrost.Il n’y a pas forcément tension ouverture / contrôle; bien au contraire. L’exemple de G montre qu’effectivement en ouvrant on contrôle la mise en forme d’information. Mieux qu’une norme, un « standard de fait » qui rend quasi incontournable.

We love faro at our house and I love what you’ve done with it here! Your photo has delicious written all over it! This goes into my recipe file, with thanks!

Aaron, you mean if that student came from UL he/she sucks? Maybe that ‘unknown’ guy sucks but not because he/she came from UL.Maybe you’re from AMA, which is an international school, and you we’re offended by his/her statement, but how dare you to demean UL like that.Well for that unknown guy/gay or whatever, I suggest you report such to school admin so you could do something good for your fellow student.

Ya’ll r just h8ing Jay-z is da King n now going 4 God… he’s no member of Illuminati, why cant a black man have money ligimately? Jayz is da greatest f*# those who think otherwise… Jayz believes in God and Worships God and nothing else….

Hi Gattina,I've just caught up on your posts for the last few days. Your antiques are wonderful, so full of history. The sculptures you photographed from South America are lovely and the little dogs really appeal to me.Amazing that they are so old.Have a good weekend.

it makes her nose look too big. By the way, she's not a girlfriend. She's a 'wife'.Maybe epsilon males like yourself don't know the difference.Sykes, Ishtara,Good point!Tod,How would you explain the high intelligence of many dark-skinned south Indians? Bangalore has become a major software center because of the relatively large number of high IQ individuals.I agree that there is a rough correlation between mean intelligence and latitude, but I don't think the mediating factor is skin color.

My partner and I stumbled over here different page and thought I might check things out. I like what I see so now i am following you. Look forward to looking at your web page repeatedly.

Ja m'esteu dient en quina secció està eixa "ofrenda", perquè "La Valéncia occitana" és un digne candidat per estar a la meua pseudo-biblioteca al costat de "Memorial de Agravios de la Nación de Valencia" de Carles Recio XD