
Täsmälleen samaa mieltä! Lähiopetukseen ja sen todelliseen laatuun on satsattava! Se kannattaisi! Lyhytnäköinen politiikkamme ja nykyiset opetuksen rahoitusmallit valitettavasti johtavat siihen, että oppilaitokset suoltavat todistuksia, dollarin kiilto silmissä, osaamisen kustannuksella.Peeäs. Kirjoittaisin pidemmän vastauksen, tai kannusteen, mutta A. Kirjoitan kännykällä ja B. Täss sai laitaa vain kommentin =D

That’s a shame. I learn more about titles I have missed from reccomendations from fellow woodworkers than from any other source. Chris just added a stack to my wish list. I’ll be burning up “Alibris” tonight…

Effectivement il faut les accompagner : nutella, confiture..m'enfin pas mal pour un premier essai. Mais MERCI pour la recette, je ferai mieux la prochaine fois !Naly

Oh Mary...this was my father's favorite. He asked for it every time. Iceberg lettuce and thousand island dressing. I can just hear him. What's funny is we used to raz him about it and now it's making a big comeback. He's having the last laugh!

esto mola.. por fin podre navegar literal mente..xDaunque google dominara el mundo. hahah por lo menos esta ofreciendo buenos servicios…xD lo hace con clase :P

Ca me fait penser à Cléopatre, dont les esclaves (ressources) sont remplaçables à la demande (besoins de Cléopâtre). J’échange un ventileur contre deux neuves verseuses de lait de chèvre pour bain.Elle avait aussi un architecte pratique bien connu.

a lot right there.So, I will continue to call her a venomous carpetbagging hack to the bitter end. I don't hate on people much, and I don't really even hate HER, but I call 'em like they are. And she is not nice people by any standard. And God help me if it's her vs. McCain, because that might just make me have to vote for Nader, damn it.

У нас тоже была классным руководитеем Бажуткина Тамара Петровна, дочь с радостью перешла в 5 класс и сказала: Ура, мы от нее ушли

We recently returned home to Peterborough Ontario from Calgary. While there i visited your store and purchased a Paderno turning slicer which i love and many of my friends would also like to get one. Unfortunately we have been unable to source them here. We would really appreciate it if you could help me source this item.ThanksRosie

Hi Andrew, are you using non-stick baking paper? Watch the macaron FAQ video and see the example of macarons with different amounts of folding you will see the first one has no foot – try this test batch method to get a feel for what is just right.