
Didnt get it at first, but loving the garden stools - can't wait to see them on your new porch in the spring. How did you ever get them at such a good price?

Karim dit surtout que Fed est un gros feignant qui fait le job, et que s’il s’en donnait vraiment la peine, il serait le meilleur relanceur, tout comme il pourrait etre le meilleur serveur, le meilleur volleyeur, le meilleur attaquant, le meilleur défenseur,bref le meilleur coup de la planète SI CE GROS BRANLEUR SE METTAIT A BOSSERKarim est un indécrottable FFF qui fait le blaséVous allez voir, à la première perf de Dimitrov , il va s’emballer comme une midinette!

I have an antique business (to the trade warehouse, spot in a really nice group show, Scott antique show once a month) and wish your business were closer to me as it sounds great. I am in France, Belgium, and Sweden to buy and the Annie Sloan paint and your ‘look’ fits nicely with my items!Ann

Happy Blog Birthday! (It seems rather mercenary just commenting on giveaway posts, but anyway). I enjoy reading your blog, and am happy for the good things that have happened over the last 4 years.Silly flickr isn't letting me see any yarns, but I'm sure they're all beautiful – I always like your choices!

Love, love, LOVE the red and white quilt! And what a wonderful way to honor your grandmother!I chuckled at the Ingalls family references because I’m TOTALLY channelling Ma Ingalls this week myself…and making braided mini-rugs (well, coasters) out of T shirts. I even got out my old copy of “The Long Winter” today to remind myself they had it worse! And no TV! And Mary was blind! (winter still sucks)

IghilUne langue sacrée, un enseignement à la lettre, c’est hélas pour ceux qui croient, une garantie d’enfermement intellectuel pour les simples, et d’évolution contrariée pour les plus astucieux.

Jum, tiene las narices de llamarme “bujarra” en mi propio blog, y luego pedirme que le traiga algo del país del sol naciente… ¡jum! ¬¬”En fin, porque me regalaste un , que si no, ¡ni agua! Usted me dirá -vía correo electrónico- de qué se trata

Complètement d’accord avec toi. C’est déjà pas facile d’être malade si en plus c’est pour se voir moche c’est pas la peine! Ca casse le moral et on guérit moins vite.Bon courage en tous cas! :=)

– I usually top up 1000 rmb (the meximum). I use the card mostly for taxis and it can be tiring waiting in line to top up so often. It’s only because I am going away tomorrow that I only did half my usual amount. Thank God!

I like how you break down all the expenses related to your rental property. Too many people think that real estate is easy money and don’t look at how it can easily have a negative cash flow.That said, congrats on getting closer each month to being in a positive position!