
I cannot get over how Facebook turns people who were cool, creative and fascinating on MySpace into raving, blathering self obsessed idiots who just throw out trite garbage on top of trite garbage.,.. why is that?

177Jack, “Although his statistics under quarterback-guru coach Jim Harbaugh might lead fans to believe otherwise, Smith is not highly regarded around the NFL. He’s viewed as a borderline starter and short-term stopgap solution.”The powder is still in the air from that pimp slap to the Milky Blues Cult.

Nawet, jeśli - to co z tego? A ponieważ nie wiem tego i nie obchodzi mnie to, uważam tą kwestię za bezprzedmiotową. Co do nauki - czy gdyby np. Sokrates uczył jako anonim, to czy jego nauka byłaby mniej warta? Sporo średniowiecznych traktatów i utworów pozostaje anonimowymi. Najlepsze źródło o wczesnej historii Polski to dzieło Galla - no jakiego? - Anonima. Zatem kwestia anonimowości interlokutora też jest dla mnie bezprzedmiotowa.

Hab soeben mal wieder versucht, die Daten zu sichern – letzte Sicherung vom 29.11.2011, also vor rund 10 Monaten. Die Vorbereitung läuft, die Sicherung beginnt und schlägt dann fehl. Besteht bei anderen das Problem auch noch oder leide nur noch ich darunter?

Amalia, draga mea, mi-e teama ca tocmai mierea da consistenta un pic umeda si gustul aparte acestui desert de post.Iese cu siguranta si fara miere, numai ca va avea un gust un pic diferit.Pup cu drag!VN:F [1.9.21_1169]please wait...VN:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)

EURO dan uzak durun,ALTIN’dan uzak durun,DOLAR ALABÄ°LÄ°RSÄ°NÄ°Z…%50 DOLAR %50 TL SÄ°ZE ÖNERÄ°M.RÄ°SKE ATMAK Ä°STERSENÄ°ZDE.ÅžUAN %100 DOLARDAYIM.Yatırım tavsiyesi deÄŸildir….

“Thoughts become things” – a shortened version of “Whatever I think about, I bring about.” I want this year to be truly magical. I want to rediscover the power of positive thinking. I want to picture myself writing full-time, even if it hurts when I open my eyes and have to put on nylons and and go push paperwork. I want to picture myself in the best shape of my life, even if the mirror tells me otherwise. I want to dream of gondola rides in Italy and exploring the jungle in Costa Rica even if my budget tells me it’s never going to happen.It’s a hell of a lot better than the alternative, this thing called hope.

Yeah, why hide your friends or subscribers etc. when it so easy to hack them. Also, someone is add inappropriate videos to my playlist that I made by hack it. Those video end up at the end of my playlist.... fix that!

Once again MarilynS proves she is unable to stay on topic, only to push her own predictable barrow.Have you ever considered Marilyn that perhaps in holding the media to account, and attempting to improve it would also be hugely beneficial to the treatment of refugees and our indigenous?The subject of refugees and indigenous is hugely important, and consistently misreported. Trouble is your inability to focus on anything else in an attempt to shift the subject away from what Craig is focussing on means you are fast just becoming noise. Pity, because your passion is admirable.

Guten Morgen!Das klingt ja sehr gemütlich bei euch! Bin ja schon gespannt, wie dein Projekt dann "Fertig" aussieht!GrußNicole