
I pray that my children will follow in the way that they were raised. If my child strays from the flock I will be very sad. The only thing I could do in that situation is pray for them. Show them how much I love them. Point them back towards Christ who loved (agape) them more than I ever could.But my heart would break.What about you? What kind of worldview do you have? How would it affect you to see your child not accept that?[]

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Solange querida ainda nao comentei sobre o que postou.Eu agradeço por nos contar a sua trajetoria contra o fumo.Sua Historia foi real, nós só temos que nos espelhar e nos mantermos firmes. Dificil é sim, e como, mas nao é impossivel, e estamos indo…UM DIA POR VEZ.Grata querida.por estar sempre conosco nessa caminhada de luta.Somos guerreiros nao é? Juntos venceremos.Bjsss fique conosco

Ich bin AZI ZAYA . Ich komme aus indonesia . ich wohne in Tasikmalaya . Ich bin 18 jahre alt. Ich gehe zur Schule in SMAN 3 Tasikmalaya , Meine Hobbies ist Musik Horen. Ich ich stahe morgens um 05:30 uhr . Und dann Frühstücke ich . zum Frühstück esse ich brot mit wurst . Danach, ich fahre in die...

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Always refreshing to hear a rational answer.

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If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.