
Cristiana este jogo americano eh de familia, mas semana passada estive em sao paulo, e passei na tania bulhoes, la tinha o mesmo jogo americano !! lindo ne !! combina com tudo... beijoss

powala foremka, nie?:)Oj to dobry taki kolega, wiesz moze wtedy tez bym sama nie piekla, albo by mnie tak nie kusilo jesli mozna dostac, dobre i duzo :DA w nowym-starym domu: powiem ze dobrze ale wszystko powoli, jeszcze chwile nam zajmie nim sie na nowo urzadzimy (dom mam na mysli), a tak to w zasadzie Praga tak piekna jak dawniej, mieszka sie tu fajnie, jedynie czasem doskwiera delikatne emocjonalne zamkniecie, ale wazne zeby minusy nie przeslonily mi plusow :-)Pozdrowienia!@ Ania: kochana! :*

Am colaborat foarte multi ani intr-o organizatie care are ca scop promovarea sexului protejat, acum lucrez intr-un sistem asemanator. Avem in echipa persoane seropozitive si credeti-ma ca de multe ori discriminarea vine si de la cei care stiu clar cum se transmite/cum nu se… Suntem oameni si suntem diferiti, actionam diferit.

Gotta agree with Alice, the photos you took looks like the one for audition… Unlikely my school photo, they were so plain….. and I stood still like getting those police arrest photo, kakakakaka!

okay so what are you complaining about if you say that many drop-out than what are you worried about if to you it seems obvious they are not going to attend college?? like John said get off your ass,go to school and better yourself so there won’t be any money left over if it bothers you so much that illegal immigrants get the left overs.

Olá meninas, li e me interessei muito por essas ampolas. Mas tenho os cabelos cacheados, abaixo dos ombros e voluminoso, alguém pode me explicar se apenas 1 ampola efetivaria um possível hidratação ou eu necessitaria de 2 ampolas? Obrigada…

Interestingly enough, while visiting a Turkish city near the Black Sea Coast, they had replicas of old Roman waterwheels placed in the middle of the river. The Romans had a system of using the wheels to pump water into the city by using the current to move the wheels. If rivers were as pure now as then, it would still be a good idea! We can learn so much from the past. It is encouraging that some just keep using that knowledge.

i take my son ( 19 months) to the same gym! he LOVES it!! it is such a wonderful place to have in tucson. we played outside all winter long but now it is just way too hot. he needs a safe ( and, yes, clean!) place to run around and release some energy. and as a mom, it is so fun to watch him grow, explore, and gain Independence.

Jajajajaja!Hòstia, Tarambana, que bo!! Ta mare i ta germana deuen estar partint-se encara! xDDDD Res, res, ell a dir el que tu vulguis sentir! Que no vol dir que et doni la raó sempre, sino que et faci sentir com una reina, que per a alguna cosa està, no??? [sí, sí, per a altres coses també... xDDDD]

It’s bound to have had some effect, but maybe not as dire as if it had been in that crucial phase when the brain was developing early on. I’m no expert on neurology but that would be my guess.