
czy skrobanki wlicza sie w Niemczech do smiertelnosci dzieci na skutek "niemieckiej lekarskiej pomocy"czy tez nie?A moze skrobanki powinno sie wliczyc dosmiertelnosci okoloporodowej? Czy psuja statystyke?

Thanks for that! It's just the answer I needed.

Your honesty is like a beacon

Hallo Willi,was ich anders mache weiß ich nicht, aber ich denke ich nutze den Sensor eben sehr intensiv, will heißen, die 1700 Km wurden innerhalb eines halben Jahres erlaufen. Vielleicht hat das etwas damit zu tun, wie lange der Sensor in Betrieb ist. 6 Monate, 12 Monate, 18 Monate, ich erwähne es auf alle Fälle, wenn die Batterie leer ist.LGSteffen

Chewie you explained football 101. Get up on team by two scores (if you can) then release the hounds defensively and on offense, play safe, punt, if necessary but nothing big play wise needed.Unfortunately, the NFL game is more complex and sometimes slighlty more diffcult to execute the game plan.

It looks pretty decent. I'll watch, but agreed, I'm not a huge of the Arthur character at a glance. Also (and maybe this is because Mists of Avalon is dear to me), I don't like that they made his sister Morgaine evil. Guenevere's the manipulative one!

Buna, da din pacate,eset posibil, nu obligatoriu!! Insa mergi repede la un medic infectionist pentru teste si sfaturi. Poate iti recomada anumite globuline de stimulare a imunitatii in aceasta perioada, eventual si vaccinul daca nu l-ai facut. Nu mai pierde timpul, mergi maine la infectionist!!!!

At last, someone comes up with the "right" answer!

Wait, I cannot fathom it being so straightforward.

O pai de família que levar um filho(a) seu em estádio repleto de bêbados,com certeza vai se arrepender.Já que liberou o alcool,libera também a maconha,crack,cocaína.Afinal,somos reconhecidos internacionalmente como o país da libertinagem,roubalheira e todo tipo de sacanagem.!!!.fonseca.