
Just tried it, others on the call were complaining about interference on the line…there was no way I could find to mute the line. Had to drop off and go back to normal phone call. Was really excited but doesn’t look like it is quite there yet.

I keep receiving a javascript error popup when I attempt posting a comment. Does this happen for anyone else? I don’t exactly have the most up to date computer so maybe that is the problem.

I keep receiving a javascript error popup when I attempt posting a comment. Does this happen for anyone else? I don’t exactly have the most up to date computer so maybe that is the problem.

Cyt.:"Jeżeli już, to.... sama."Sorry, nick Syzyfoptymista sugeruje jednak płeć brzydką, by nie rzec szpetną. W dodatku nie wiem czy płeć piękna czuje to samo, co szpetna, i w ogóle się nieco spłoszyłem...Oczywiście, że wiem, że to ten Ziemkiewicz, natomiast mam wrażenie, że szersza publiczność nie zna jego dokonań na polu... prozy miłosnej. I właśnie chciałem niepostrzeżenie zareklamować...- ----- Audycja zawiera lokowanie produktu----- -

Je ne suis pas d'accord! Comment veux tu que je me concentre quand je vois cette charmante demoiselle!Mon doigt resiste à ma volonte (ou le contraire)de cliquer sur The lost room. Je bave sur le clavier, j'en oublie les danseuses de salsa!ENCORE!!!

Que bom que a moça não se preocupou em salvar as obras de arte, e sim os animais. Não que eu seja contra a arte, muito pelo contrário. A minha arte me deu tudo o que tenho. Mas sou a favor da vida…    

BonjoursNous avons conprie  que il falait prendre un multiple de 5 et lui ajouter 1 mais cela n’a pas marcher au contrère il falait prendre le nombre 1 et nous avons trouvré le résulta qui est de 301.Audrey et Louis 

Bring back Total Views. I have been watching mine for a year. My Total reached 121,000 and then disappeared and my enthusiasm for the site disappeared as well. I fact I think you should develop a stats page for those of us who upload so that we can see in more detail how each video is performing. The new page layout looks good but YouTube should remember we upload our videos for our benifit not for YouTubes.

If people actually take the time and show hate towards you, they must be obsessed with you. I'm glad you rise above all that. p.s I love your blog!!! :) I was the one who commented on your formspring about close toed heels and you are wearing them in this post beautifully!!!! Love love love the whole outfit!

Thanks for the shout out! Joe and I aren’t really big Valentine’s Day people (never have been). And how funny – our dating & engagement anniversaries are also in November!