
Guarda Martìnez come cancella gli insulti a Khomeini…!!!Ora abbiamo capito a quale *islam politico* si è segretamente convertito Martìnez: lo sciismo khomeinista, prendiamo attoAudace12

Thank you for sharing this. I am sure so many people can relate to this situation or feel something similar about another aspect of their life. How many of us are stuck in jobs we don’t like? How many of us are more exhausted than elated by parenting? How many of us don’t love where we live? The list goes on and I think there is power in just saying these things – even if only anonymously on a blog.

Trying ? This is work. I'm vainly hoping that some sort of clue-by-osmosis will cross the desk opposite me. Rather than trying to beat this "don't trust the tags" notion in with a sorely-needed ClueBat, I'm goofing off on LJ.

Wow! Great to find a post knocking my socks off!

Thanks for contributing. It's helped me understand the issues.

Marcia Lube disse:EymardVocê disse muito bem : ” Mandarin é sinônimo de bom atendimento .”Acrescentaria bom gosto.Sou cliente assídua do Asiate em New York.E cada vez, um prazer impar.Por isso, concordo plenamente : Mandarin , sempre !

Les plaisanteries les plus courtes étant les meilleures, je ne reparlerai pas du site de godemichés de Mme Lamblin. Non, je n’en reparlerai pas. Donc, mon petit patatou, dans ton exposé, rien sur l’éducation sexuelle bio.

So kommt eins zum anderen, das ist schon eine feine Sache die Du da eingebaut hast.Intressant für Busse die viel mit Fähtren fahren.weiter so.

We need more insights like this in this thread.

ALysson Vieira / FalaWeb 08/02/2010 ResponderOs DNS apontam para o servidor do Grupo Schincariol.Bem provável ser uma ação do grupo para algum de seus produtos.