
pa: I'm very far from convinced that UFC is real. The main problem with it, from my perspective, is that its fights last a long time, while real fights, from almost everything I have heard, are over very quickly. Boxing matches can be long primarily because they have limited target areas, making defense much easier than offense.

bloody danes, interfering as usual. how are my predictions of complete chaos going to come true if they start acting all *sensible*?something needs to be done about these people...

Auch eine Möglichkeit, den Elternabend zu nutzen. Ich hoffe mal, die stehen ALLE hinter dir. Ich habe da auch schon Klopse erlebt...wenn es um Solidarität ging... es gibt ja Eltern...;-) :-(

Just do me a favor and keep writing such trenchant analyses, OK?

Good morning Mikko,I was using php_imagick.dll that comes standard with PHP 5.2.4. PhpInfo reports: Imagick enabled with Version 2.0.0-rc1 and ImageMagick 6.3.3 04/21/07 Q16 and that one crashes Apache. I’ve tried your php_imagick_5_2_4_dyn-Q16.dll as well now and that one works fine! Me happy Unfortunately this dll has the ‘E:’ issue when writing/reading images to/from disk. Have you gotten any further with that? TIA

So George, I am confused.What ought we do with all these worthless, unaccountable women?1. Imprison them.2. Take away all their rights and make them earn their living in public brothels.3. Only take away their right to vote, speak and own property.4. Sharia!5. Make them fight for their freedom in gladiatorial arenas and keep the gelatinous deserts flowing.6. Bitch about them constantly on the internet.I think we should take a vote but I will say right now, I am buying stock in the Jell-O company.

I see, I suppose that would have to be the case.

Note that Israel's enemies have C-801 & C-802s.This eighth generation of missiles includes the following variants:YJ-81 (C-801)YJ-82 (C-802)YJ-82K (C-802K)YJ-83 (C-803)KD-88YJ-85 (C-805)Noor: Iranian advanced variantNorth Korea is jointly working with PRC to improve accuracy Israel assisted in the production of the sixth and generation missiles.

Knocked my socks off with knowledge!

Olá gostaria de saber quando será o inicio e o término das inscrições para o concurso da caixa economica.Poderia mandar essa informação por email.Desde já Obrigada..