
Super informative writing; keep it up.

21eTim,I’ll hazard a guess at an answer to that last question for Aaron:1. He’d have to drive to Dallas from Waco to find an SBTC church. The Waco Baptist Association keeps on retainer those folks who are burning down churches in East Texas to deal with any SBTC congregations in McLennan County. ;-) (That’s a JOKE folks)2. As compared to the hypothetical prospect of his joining an SBTC church, Starr would catch less flak for joining the Branch Davidians. ;-)

We've arrived at the end of the line and I have what I need!

Thanks for writing such an easy-to-understand article on this topic.

Juan Carlos4 octubre, 2012Típica iniciativa neurótico-borreguil. Si compro donde me dicen los promotores de la idea (a saber si no es la tienda de su primo), no compraré eso mismo en el comercio donde suelo hacerlo normalmente, perjudicando así a éste último.Sí lo que proponen es que no deje de comprar tampoco en el comercio donde suelo hacerlo, entonces no es más que una iniciativa para fomentar el despilfarro y el consumismo irreflexivo.

Stay informative, San Diego, yeah boy!

The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.

Superior thinking demonstrated above. Thanks!

So, on the basis of 3 votes and comments (and thank you for that!) it’s confirmed: I’ll be removing support for URL shortening in the next major release of WP to Twitter. I will set it up as a secondary plug-in, so that it’s still available, but it won’t be part of the main WP to Twitter set up.

Furthermore, I don't think YouTube is passing criminal activity that is committed on YouTube, such as terrorist threats, death threats, and genocidal speech. I contacted the FBI and they contacted me back asking for more information about something on YouTube I saw.