
Thanks for the tip about CultureRx – I like what they are saying about trusting employees and focusing on results, not “time in the cubicle.”Best Buy was a customer of one of my previous employers and I always found the people I worked with from there to be very sharp. It’s good to see a company of that size embracing this kind of thinking.

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Bryan – it’s vaguely inappropriate but I think it must be very very common. At least that way around. Clients getting crushes or falling in lust with their masseuse. I just don’t think it’s very common the other way around. My way, I mean.But then again, what do I know.

Thanks ClydeWonderful!Particularly like Santa with beard hanging over front of shelf and beret, the chess set ( green pawn is in reindeers spot) and is that st Benedict? Wonderful wonderful wonderfulThanksSanta uniforms would make the world a better place for sure

Thanks for contributing. It's helped me understand the issues.

Indeed. Several oil industry and public sector contractors have been waiting for years to collect their debts. Small companies simply shutted down operations. The transnationals were in stand by, waiting for a change after the elections, but I guess they’ll probably leave the country too. However, those debts will no disappear. They are still there, waiting to be collected. I guess those companies working for Mision Vivienda will have to wait in line.I wonder how long can this gov sustain this charade…

there are bodies which sets the standards for communication, (IETF, W3C, etc), the Internet itself could be thought of as an example of Anarchy — Individual ‘net providers/participants which have absolute liberty within their own domain, voluntarily cooperating to connect with each other across the whole globe without a real governing body dictating their actions. (Well, at least that’s how it started!)