
Et le pot*, Aquinze ? ne me dites pas qu’en Bretagne on le prononce aussi « pote ».* de chambre. (Je revois mes parents usant de cette prononciation pour nous parler de cet objet que, de façon inexplicable, d’aussi loin que je me souvienne, j’ai pratiquement toujours appelé « po” — sauf peut-être à un très jeune âge. Un psy pourrait-il me dire quelques mots à ce sujet ?)

Oh I do love it when something I’ve written has been helpful – thank you Sarah. This other person will have their own reasons for behaving their way, and those reasons are not for us to question. I’ve added to my blog schedule a post about being unaware of the negative impact our behaviour might have on others. Stay happy x

Ha ha, I love that you still have your Jimmy White sweepstake pick on there – how random. Love your screensaver too, thanks for posting this so I can have a good e-stalk lol

>Fúha. Normálne uvažujem, že si tú knihu kúpim, i keď obavy tam sú – asi práve kvôli VD a potom preto, že som už videla seriál.:D Uvidím, no.

This just in from the Things That Make You Go Hmmm Department: the amateur radio portion of Yaesu splits from Mother Motorola while the land mobile portion stays. This is right on top of an announcement that Yaesu will pursue a digital amateur radio offering based on land mobile technology (i.e., definitely NOT D-STAR). The K0KDS blog has the details, so go there for the full story.

This is a superb piece, I found your weblog browsing google for a related theme and came to this. I couldnt come across to much additional information on this piece, so it was pleasant to locate this one. I will certainly end up being back again to check out some other posts that you have another time.

6 marzo 2008Más que incluir el precio de la hipoteca deberían poner el precio de la vivienda, porque una hipoteca no deja de ser una forma de comprar a plazos, vamos, que es casi lo mismo que si te compras un televisor en el carrefour a 12 meses

You found fresh figs, like strike lottery like that! Never seen fresh ones before. Maybe I can just leave out figs and put dried cranberries.

Felicitari pentru evolutia ta! Ai mare dreptate in ceea ce ai scris. Ai dat un exemplu cu ratarea autobuzului. Prima varianta e sa te enervezi, a doua varianta: sa zambesti, sa accepti lucrurile asa cum sunt si sa astepti urmatorul autobuzA treia varianta: sa iti cumperi o bicicleta Nu mai esti dependent de autobuz, iar in plus faci miscare.

What an incredibly brave person you are. I know that making a video is hard enough when you have self-doubts… but then to discuss the topic of mental illness (even though I realize that you do not use those words, I think that they are generally accepted as the broad category)… wow. Good for you! No, GREAT for you!You, B, Dr M… and everyone else involved should be very proud of what you’ve accomplished so far. It hasn’t been easy.Thank you for posting this video. StephenPS: Hey! I have a crappy 3GS too! And I still love it.