
I used to get a lot of hits from the Terry Tate Office Linebacker commercials. In fact, I’m still the #1 hit for “. I’m still up there for various searches regarding that. I’m also big ups on .Ah ‘course they all point to URL’s when I had movable type installed and before the craze for legible common-type permalinks started.

Ah yes, nicely put, everyone.

Definitely, I love reading books about people who are different from me! (Hence why I read this one the first time around.) And sometimes a person’s personal story can be more interesting to an ‘outsider’ than a book that is more fact-based.

I'm not easily impressed. . . but that's impressing me! :)

tranqui compadre que de todas maneras van a ascender igual, con toda la increible plata que estan robando de toda la provincia, seguro ascienden, es imposible que no asciendan, por eso negaron la invitacion, porq van a ascender igual

Seeing this late but a brilliant topic!At my junior high school in Los Angeles we’d alter the relay runners to turn the two runners with batons into cops with billy clubs, and the runner in front into a black guy with a big afro and a ghetto blaster in his hand.Oddly it never occurred to us that this was racist…the black kids would do it too. I think we understood on some level, even at that age, that this was a commentary on the violent tactics of the LAPD.Anyway, very interesting discussion of adolescent folkways.

I feel so much happier now I understand all this. Thanks!

That's the perfect insight in a thread like this.

Furrealz? That's marvelously good to know.

"what now, Professor Enthoven?"Don't know what the perfesser's answer will be but I say let the entire health care system be taken over by the federal government. Business failed, doctors failed, that leaves government as the last, best hope. If government fails at this, the terrorists will have won.And because health care is different, there will be no avarice, greed, incompetence, or corruption in government-run health care. So we don't have to worry about those things any more.If this isn't done now, health care will only get more expensive.--Stella Baskomb