
A piece of erudition unlike any other!

Adamie..wspaniale się czyta to co piszesz Nie każdy potrafi zrozumieć i zdarzają się tacy co i krytykować będą, ale cóż to tylko świadczy o nich samych.

Times are changing for the better if I can get this online!

Na sesji Prezes spółki nie przedstawił uzasadnienia podwyżek, obecnie skierowane zostało moje zapytanie dotyczące uzasadnienia kolejnej podwyżki w zasobach KTBS-u. W momencie otrzymania takiej odpowiedzi zamieszczę ją.

Shawn….over the years I have heard many athletes on TV respond to interview questions about their Dad by saying ” My Dad was my hero”. Well let me just say “you are my hero” your dedication, your upbeat attitude, and your desire to go farther and farther is just amazing. One of your goals in the blog was to keep smiling, believe me , I’m not even running and I’m smiling…luv ya Dad

Stay informative, San Diego, yeah boy!

Very valid, pithy, succinct, and on point. WD.

I am passionaate about my time! I love being able to volunteer my time at school by helping in the classrooms, After school with my children and their friends team mom for football and squad mom for my daughters cheerleading, board of director for our subdivision that I live in, and time to be able to spend with family and our friends both young and old!Denise W

Lot of smarts in that posting!

Wham bam thank you, ma'am, my questions are answered!