
- Gary – I’m so glad that you enjoyed it. I had a great time too, and I think it shows in the photos how much we all enjoyed the experience. Thanks to both of you for being great “models” x

06-09-08Светик пишет: Поздравьте меня. У меня это получилось, только после того как скачала новую мазилу...совсем новую. У меня раньше была 3,0,1а теперь 3,1только не нашла как ее руссифицировать еще только Был ли этот ответ полезным?

whoah this blog is great i really like studying your articles. Keep up the good work! You realize, many people are hunting around for this info, you can help them greatly.

Time to trim administration. You could easily save $250,000 by making cuts in the amount of vice principals throughout the system, especially at Staples where there are 4! There used to be less VPs and even more students at the high school. You could also freeze raises to administration.

Rigtig gode pointer har også en klar aftale med mig selv om, at jeg skal blive bedre til at gå tidligere i seng, for sidder bare med de forbistrede lektier et godt stykke ude på aften! Frygtelig dårlig vane, men tror du har fået sparket mig mere igang til det bedre

Il Cuculo #84, lo ripeto sempre anch’io;Invece di spendere 50.000 in un auto….spendeteli per ristrutturare la casa, fate controllare gli impianti, ed in special modo quello del gas, cambiate caldaia, panelli solari ecc. ecc. hehehehe.Ma per prima cosa spendeteli in Salute e Divertimento.Un saluto, buona domenica e buon divertimento a tutti hehehe.SD

#110 – Moose, what is a sustainable level in your eyes? In some lower/middle value towns in Bergen County a Cape can be purchased for around $200,000 in good/avg condition. How low does it have to go before you are ready to get in?North Jersey prices are getting more stable. Yes they will fall further when all the foreclosure inventory begins to pressure the market, but it won’t be a blood bath where you want to live.

Du har så rett så rett :)I år feirer vi jul hjemme for førstegang, å vi har invitert ei venninne sammen med oss, som ikke har det så greit i jula på mange måter. Men vi hjelper så godt vi kan :)Jul er ikke bare om gaver,pynt, god mat å alt det der. Det handler om å ta vare på hverandre :)

mags. I’m looking forward to a post from you on the relationship between power, airspeed, and altitude when flying over Lake Wobegon at night in a light twin. Keep your nose up in the turns as you write for us simple EAA folk. I might even renew.

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