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I shot it at 1/160 sec apparently; I usually shoot at 1/250 which is my camera’s maximum sync speed but I guess I forgot to set it that way. It doesn’t really matter too much though since I was using flashes and their pulse durations are usually somewhere between 1/1000 and 1/10000 sec; that effectively becomes the camera’s exposure time since I was shooting at f/6.3 and ambient light levels were relatively low.

I’m always a little late to the party, but it’s “timeless” right? What a cutie you have there.That age is so much fun when you can sit and watch them do anything for hours.

Hi Kyle,By html form web form, can the CEWP be used instead?And if so, where in your code do I exactly point to the doc to be opened in Edit mode?Best regards,Mark

we lose 300m cells a minute, which is less than 0.0001% of the cells replaced every day.Since a minute is 1/1440th of a day, the figure per minute should be about 0.07% of the cells we lose per day.It still out by a factor of 10 if the original comment is per second.

I love the way the green of the dresser compliments the green leaves in the roses painting (is that a round frame, or a metal tray?)……all of your refinished furniture pieces are wonderful. I enjoy seeing each new creation….and I need a lesson in ‘time management’, so I can be, at least, half as productive as you both are! I enjoy your blog, and look forward to the next artistic piece of talent that you intend to share with us. Thank you!Happy painting, and paint happy….Barbara

I would avoid TV/video games altogether. All children have short attention spans and TV shows train them to keep their span short by injecting commercials (brain breaks).I would work on activities such as coloring, painting, role play, and general childrens games to LENGTHEN the childs attention. Of course, this would require you to be an ACTIVE participant in your childs development and that, very sadly, is the major ingredient lacking in our childrens upbringing. This is why, once they start school, the teacher as a more difficult time. Was this answer helpful?

He utilizado muchísimas veces la información de Toprural y lo caonsejo; es útil y fiable. Además permite facilmente pasar a las webs de los establecimientos. Fui a la Posada de los Trastolillos en Comillas, y me quedé.

Another great podcast, Father Z! I always like hearing the words of the Fathers of the Church-and also how you ‘pull them apart’.I hope you are feeling better health-wise.I always remember you ‘by name’ in my daily Rosary.

Sì, a primo impatto non ci sta, però io aspetterei di vedere il film, potrebbe riservarci delle sorprese, per ora comunque lo scettro è della Pfeiffer non si discute.

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