
JeÅ¡tÄ› poznámka – nedÄ›lím verÅ¡e Bible na ty co mi jsou a ty co mi nejdou pod fousy (jak víte že mám fousy ) . Žádný verÅ¡ není Å¡patný. Jen je potÅ™eba pamatovat na kontext, situaci, účel proč byl redaktorem do Bible umístÄ›n.

brittanie - This is incredible! The one of Ewan and Sarah Elizabeth with their faces close together may be my favourite photo to ever grace the LFP blog! Amazing! Ps. Ewan been working out? looks totally different. in the best way ever.

Hey little Brittybelles!! This necklace is amazing!! I'm a bit obsessed with the ole coin belt/necklace piece! On another not about necklaces my beautiful unearthen gift arrived!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited and so happy and beyond honoured to recieve this beautiful necklcace and am wearing it today with great pride! I'm hoping to take it with me on my trip!!! Please pass on my great thanks to the team and especially Gia for my beautiful piece! xxxxx mandy

But they do. The key is that well-documented economies don't require such fiefdoms - such as the United States. If one wishes to not live in a gated community, the option is there for the greater part of the population - including the wealthy.On the other hand, one can pick a country in the NATO-defined Third World and look at how many of them require it for anything more than a shanty.While you may be fine with screwing over an economy by the lack of documentation, it has a way of always returning the favor.

OJDragovic, you ought to look up the history of Nation State – the world has only known national borders for just over a hundred years, and before then the human race didn’t die.  

Arthur,How cumb the people you hang with are so incredibly gross? Is it because you’re so gross too?I don’t suppose you could become ungross? That would be painful huh. Ok, I won’t ask too much, but try and limit the amount of grossness you post to your blog.Thank you,Concerned

Thank you incredibly substantially for your exciting text. I have been looking for these types of message to get a definitely very long time. Thank you.

Benedict is one person you can trust, he delivers on time and his items are in supreme condition! all you mac fanatics out there get your macs from him! =) thanks for the MBP!

I would be excited if I actually got to go (but it’s looking like I’d have to sell a kidney to do it–and I’ve only got one of those). But, yeah, really wishing I could be there. Maybe I’ll start a Kickstarter campaign.

CelA nós esses crápulas não enganam, só os jegues são enganados. Como é que pode controlar a mídia aumentando a liberdade de expressão. Eu só queria entender.Esther