
Hola a todos. alguien poderia responder a mi pregunta? tengo um iphone 3g,comprado em españa por movistar,ya desbloqueado. Pero ahora viviendo em estados unidos,cogi la compañia de t mobile,pero no me funciona el movil.yo ya tenia la version 3.1.2, pero al restaurar el movil se me apago todo e ni me va para delante ni para atras.en la pantalla me aparece que solamente puedo hacer llamadas de emergencia. que hago? porfavor alguien ayudame.

The Air is the laptop of tomorrow built with the technology of today.As it is, it’s not even competitive with Apple’s vanilla $999 MacBook. If you’re a secretary for a C-Level executive, tell your boss they make great stocking stuffers. But if you’re at all price sensitive, stick to something more utilitarian, like MacBook Pro.

Amen, Ben. They rant and they rave, but in the end it is all vanity. Its not suprising he uses the board name of “it doesn’t matter who I am.”. And these types claim I hide behind a facade of anonimity!JD

essayez de réfléchir un peu plus sur le fond et de moins vous concentrer sur la formeTom le 16 juin 2011 à 14:00 |Tom, nous avons touché le fond depuis longtemps et nous n’avons même plus la forme pour nous concentrer.

I make a dish with beef short ribs and kraut. I dust the ribs with seasoned flour and then chop an onion, pour the kraut on top, cook it slow in a dutch oven…. Umm good.. The beef ribs tend to be real fatty so you have to spoon the fat off before serving. It’s too hot in Texas right now though, for something that rich…

Bret, thanks so so so much. The video with the kettlebells’ version of the elevated glute bridge that you have uploaded here is going to be so helpful. You are doing an excellent job for the whole fitness-loving community.Bianca

A F1 viu o preço (prejuízo) do risco com a morte de Ayrton Senna. Por mais chata, por mais decidida nos boxes que eja uma corrida atual, ela é muito mais asistida e muito mais lucrativa, creio eu, que um GP dos anos 70.Justamente por isso que inibir as ultrapassagens e qualquer outra forma de 'emoção' das corridas não é um efeito colateral, mas uma política deliberada dos dirigentes.E por isso que concordo com seus argumentos.

Ad Honza"... nelze věřit, že právě ti čeští akademici, kteří napíší sotva dva krátké články za rok, se vyznačují mimořádnou genialitou."Publikační kvantita nesouvisí s odbornými kvalitami ("genialitou") akademika, ale s jeho pracovitostí nebo leností. Jiná věc pak je, jestli fakuta dává svým akademikům incentivy, aby publikovali. V Brně jsou finanční odměny za publikační činnost, v Plzni nejsou.

Ce n’est plus 15-love tennis qu’il faut appeler ce site mais Ellis Island.Vous faites de l’écremage de site involontaire. En tous les cas, le bouche à oreille fonctionne.

wouldn’t know mate.. i don’t have league passs..haha. but i guess what i meant was given that its over the interweb and streaming, etc.. are the constant interruptions/disconnections.. im guessing live feeds are less stable than static ones..i mean i was *really* impressed by the quality of the games.. and to get that live, streaming.. seemed alittle too good to be true.. i guess imagonna be a subscriber then.. thanks for the advice mates.