
Para desarrollar la zona se necesitan estas carreteras, sino la gente de la zona sigue viniendose a Lima tal como mi familia y casi todos mis conocidos, no hay posibilidades de negocio.

Luleå har väl tittat lite för mycket på växjö och vår nya look. Synd för luleå bara att deras satsning med ny logga och nya dräkter inte blev hälften så snygg som vår dito.Bland det fulaste jag har sett.

Ab fab my goodly man.

Great to see all the creative excellence springing forth from the Tasmanian Surf Community. We have everyreason to be positive and happy in life, in business and in the water. Is it all online sales or are there sales points in the North-West or North?

tengo un pequeño blog de literatura ( poemas, cuentos, algo de escritura automática) y hace poco le creé el ” fanpage” en facebook para intentar llegar a más gente. No entendía muy bien la estadística, ¡muchísimas gracias por tu información!

Holy concise data batman. Lol!

Many many quality points there.

Girl is gonna be all about the bling, I can tell already! I think I will add a really cute pair of studs to her Christmas package! Yeah Quinn, and well played Mom.

What a wonderful idea. Are you opening up the linky to any child interested in joining your group or is this for your family only? Sorry I’ve been a bit off the blogs lately and am now just catching up on the Cooper family;-).Congratulations to your family on Davey’s retirement. From my entire family, please accept my gratitiude for his service and yours!

Masse lykke til. Har ikke helt fått med meg hva du skal begynne med men supert blir det helt sikkert.Fin søndag til deg og dineKlem Tove