
iiBearJew / Jesus fucking christ people. Get a goddamn life, she’s a star. She’s famous. So what? You gotta hate? She’s making HER dreams come true. And it’s HER body too, if she wants tattoos and piercings then let it fucking happen that’s how she chooses to live HER life. How about instead of hating, go make your own dreams come true.

Har nu även läst vad Nettare skrev och kan inte finna något om en knasig flaska, snarare intryck som liknar mina, t.ex. den där känslan av att vara förflyttad till vinets ursprungstrakter. Skrev verkligen Nettare att det var en knasig flaska?

Well if you love vampires that you definitely have to give this one a shot. Seriously, it was freaking hilarious! And anyone who goes in with an idea of what it is should enjoy it. That's my opinion. ;)

You are an impressive, thoughtful and reflective school leader. Your school, teachers, support staff, parents and students, are fortunate to have you as their principal.

The nakba that occurred in 1948 was accompanied by the independence, the liberation, of the Jewish community.What is this supposed to mean? That the ethnic cleansing was justified?You support ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and continued settlement of Jewish colonists.You’re like that crazy Christian pastor who hates gay people. Completely confident in your hatefulness.

Probably the things that concerns me the most about this deal will be the conditions associated with the leasing of Telstra assets. The government might be able to strong arm Telstra into a reasonable position now (in order to make the NBN appear a success), but will this arrangement leave NBN Co (and hence Australian telecommunications customers) at the mercy of Telstra in the future when leasing arrangements are reviewed?

This is 1 of my 2 main disappointments about Obamma’s tenure so far. He does not seem willing to touch the financial industries structure. He also is too close to W on war and security policies, re: state secrets privilege. Oh well, no one’s perfect. We just have to try and put pressure on Washington to get rid of the banksters power and Summers.

You have no right to leave my photographs up for grabs in high resolution. I make a living selling those.We need to get a class law-suit together.Models in those photos have also been promised controlled licensing..Are you out of your mind!!!It is like leaving the door open to someone else's house, to let the thieves in.You have no right!

It’s shocking though, despite how many Chinese people will criticize her, there are thousands that will regard her in a positive light and say how ‘clever’ she is.In Western eyes we may regard this as tacky and tasteless. Too many many Chinese girls the same age as her or thereabouts, it will be regarded as a gift of great value and great class.Money is god in China.

I fixed it by adding a loop-cut (ctrl+R) and confirming it without moving it. Then do a Ctrl+E to edge-slide and confirming it. Then and only then, I was able to do F6 and bring up the menu to toggle-on “Correct-UV’s”.