
Yay! I'm glad I was right. I drive an '05 MINI Cooper S in Purple Haze and Black. I love my car!! The MINI just fits you so well. The Cabs were just coming out when I bought mine. They are just so cute!

While every one of their sandwiches is excellent, the real highlight is the dipping sauce (a kind of aioli I think). Its the real reason to order the fries, and some people I know even dip their sandwiches in.Would have preferred sweet basil to thai basil but with sandwiches this good I'm not complaining.

a3Es una receta impresionante en todo sentido.Nunca los he probado, pero lucen exquisitos.Estupendas las fotos, que lindas te quedan.Besos.14a

edygirlOmg, she didn’t arrive alone. It was Brad’s movie so he needed to come out with his cerw. I loved the way he was looking for her and the way she stepped out. O my I love thi couple.

Pois é, meus amigos. Mas vejam só uma coisa que pode servir de exemplo:Provavelmente, não aprecio as vossas receitas para a política. E vocês, se calhar não apreciam as minhas...Ahahaah. O melhor, de facto, é...a música.Porque essa, até faz esquecer as discordãncias de fundo.

Thank you for your blog! I am on my 3rd round of Letrozole and will have my 3rd IUI soon. I like the information your giving us! If this one doesn’t work I am thinking of asking to switch to Clomid because I am not growing nice and big folicles on the Letrozole.

Robb's pants might be going down but as for the event, he'll hafta take a cab; Tampa got no trains.And geez, that pic you linked... Where's all the cute little XX tushies (chromosomes, not ratings you dirty bastards)?

Diese Aufforderung dazu eine andere Person anzuschauen, also ins Gesicht (meist in die Augen) zu schauen, empfinde ich als respektlos, wenn man es selbst nicht will oder kann. Die Aufforderug sollte eher eine Frage sein, warum man die Person nicht anschauen kann/will, und die Antwort sollte man dann auch akzeptieren, bzw man sollte es dadurch verstehen lernen, warum man nicht jemanden in die Augen schauen kann/will.

Mas lembro muito das as aulas do Toshi, das aulas de um espanhol, nao lembro o nome, desenho tridimensional III… Dava aula de arquitetura. Putz, qta lembrancas

Ja, det er vel få 15-åringer som sover i mammas armkrok hele natta, men det er i grunn en mager trøst når det står på og alt man ønsker seg er en hel natts sammenhengende søvn, fortrekksvis helt alene i senga (med unntak av mannen). Det står på min ønskeliste og ;o)Lykke til med forberedelsene, det ordner seg nok. Og jul blir det jo uansett!God bedring!