
I would like to win an iPad 2 because I am a college student and I am in need of something smaller and lighter than my laptop! Plus I love to read and I have alot of paper books already and not much storage to put more, so having the iPad would help to eliminate buying more books.

Não Pedro, se os responsaveis pelo ciclismo mundial decidem alterar certos regulamentos ou comportamentos talvez haja razão para isso não achas ?Eu estou farto de ver provas a serem mal conduzidas , ainda com a agravante de o espectaculo sair penalizado, quem é que não gosta de ver o ciclismo de ataque ?

jojozekil / Ca faisait longtemps que je m’étais pas autant marré Un Toasty comme ça de temps en temps pour relacher la pression ça fait du bien. Toasty Mené avec D’avantage de Jeun’s et de Charisme #TmdjcLeJeu

Sigh! Whenever I see something in your shop that catches my eye and email you about it, I'm always too late! My luck sucks.But you do look so cute in that skirt! It's such a good color/material/silhouette for the spring.xo Sherrie

I would like to sign up for the challenge for NaNoWriMo. In fact, I am taking a classat our library for this. I hope to have more people from my class enroll and I look forwardto writing a novel for you.Thank you for including me in this challenge.

katanya mau dapet anaknya pak Kyai mas…puasa kok ngga kuat? kabuuuurrrr [ gak mau anak kyai... pengennya anak konglomerat aja..... ]