
>Miss Marple, vous m’avez mal compris ( ou je me suis mal fait comprendre ): Aznavour faisait la promo de son restaurant (pas du vitello tonato), allant de table à table, serrant des mains, un mot aimable par ci, un mot gentil par là… Il nous – les clients – était impossible d’ignorer sa présence et son implication dans la bonne marche du restaurant …>Aquinze, vous avez des cuisiniers ? et bobos qui plus est ! Et moi qui n’ai qu’une cuisinière à gaz !

i love this. i'm really into denim lately, looks great on you. and i love how you paired it with the ankle boots. it doesn't look really western though, which would be kinda hard for most people to stay away from with a look like this. love this.

I LOVE your race photo! Perhaps second only to Page’s jumping race photo (since she had that kooky facial expression). I think if I tried to do that in a race I’d just fall flat on my face. Very excited about your new wedding plans!!!

Es ist ein absoluter Genuss jeden Tag einen neuen Bericht von Ihnen aus Indien zu lesen. Egal ob hier auf der Internetseite oder in der NZ. Vielleicht veröffentlichen Sie das Ganze einmal nach Ihrer Rückkehr in einem Buch?Weiter so – wir warten jeden Tag wieder auf Neuigkeiten aus Indien. Es ist wirklich nicht mehr so weit weg von Deutschland!

Sure you can plant some veggies. You will want to make sure that you are planting veggies that have a short season. To do this, you will probably want to order your seeds. Search for seed catalogs and they usually tell you how long until they begin producing.

Sometimes I come across some thing – some random act of kindness – and it just reaffirms my faith in humanity.Thanks for posting about such wonderful things. And if I were back in Canada, I’d shop only at Rona hardware from now on too!

when i read “femme fatale” i don’t necessarily think of combat. and it always sound bit like a elegant and stylish character. the trope you describe is a women who fights (maybe very violently) and has a “sexy” outfits and/or “sexy” moves. the second part fits to go go dancers (at least in Europe). i think “femme fatale” don’t point out the typical video game contradiction of a female character with extreme fighting skill which dresses like a stripper.

Totalmente de acuerdo.Me viene a la mente aquella anécdota del violinista que se puso a tocar en el metro de Washington. Su violín era de cientos de miles de dólares y él tenía un talente extraordinario. Pero estaba tocando gratis, por lo que nadie -o casi nadie- le ponía atención.El mismo violinista llenó un teatro esa misma noche cobrando cientos de dólares por un boleto. ¡Y estaba tocando la misma música!

Sarah – this would have made a great dish at the Cherry Blossom brunch at Sarah B.'s house – next time we'll work out the menu with you first!Beth (Sarah B's mom)

While I’m sure that familiarity breeds understanding. It is a relative clear history that objectivity is not influenced by relationships but by hard analytic evidence. When this isn’t the case bias become the order of the day. While it might seem that the popular vote makes the best case, it deprives a complete picture for those buying the services. You ever wonder why it’s only Tier 1 players (with the war chests) who are continually in the spotlight?